Wednesday 18 June 2014

Welcome to Little Admirations!

Hello Everyone!
I am so excited to share my thoughts, photographs and DIYs with you!  This is my first official blog, so if I seem like I am unfamiliar with blogging, it is probably true. I decided to start a blog to document my arts and crafts projects along with my thoughts and experiences. Over the years, I have been wanting to start a blog or even a YouTube channel showcasing DIY tutorials. I've finally found the time and motivation to start it, so here we go!

To start things off, I would love to tell you a little bit more about me. I am a university student in Ontario, Canada. I'm currently studying mathematics and business administration, hoping to pursue a career in finance. I grew up doing arts and crafts and DIYs ever since I was at the age of 4. I've always had a great appreciate for the arts and the emotions it can bring people. You may say I am a person with great hopes and dreams! I have acquired many hobbies in the past years and I would love to share them with you. I am a open and friendly person who would love to get to know my audience. So feel free to ask me any questions or requests on tutorials you would like to see!

Always with love,