Thursday 3 July 2014

50 Facts About Me

My list of 50 facts about me will have no particular order. Let's Start!
  1. I love elephants! (Fun Fact: you can buy paper made of elephant faeces a.k.a poop)
  2. I love to bake and decorate cupcakes but I dislike eating cupcakes. (I am weird)
  3. I love nighttime strolls. (Probably cause I love the night sky)
  4. I am a proud Canadian!
  5. Currently studying Business Administration and Mathematics double degree at University of Waterloo and Wilfred Laurier University.
  6. I have a pet hedgehog, Hercules. (The most adorable pet you will EVER meet!)
  7. I made a three-tier cake for my own sweet 16.
  8. Black cherry ice cream is my absolute favorite flavour.
  9. I recently found out I love baths.
  10. My two favorite colours are light blue and lime green. White would be included if you count shades.
  11. I LOVE CHEESE!! (Any type)
  12. My birthday is on April 11.
  13. I also love deers, especially the white tailed deer! So pretty.
  14. Cooking is my stress reliever
  15. I have a weird liking for elves (Lord of the Ring kind)
  16. My genre music is indie (I use or sound cloud)
  17. My #1 goal in life is to travel the world and experience their culture
  18. I have an older sister, named Tiffany.
  19. My background is Chinese and I can speak Cantonese.
  20. I miss elementary school because of double dutch (type of jumping rope)
  21. My favorite toddler TV show was teletubbies (DON'T judge!!)
  22. I have a ukulele and can sorta play (by sorta, I mean 2 songs)
  23. I do archery but I have problem stringing my bow (sad face)
  24. I find guys with a stubble facial hair really hot!
  25. If I can only have one food for the rest of my life, it would be potatoes!
  26. I have brown eyes. (to be exact, it is a cherry wood colour)
  27. I am living on my own with Hercules! <3
  28. Even though my favorite music genre is indie, I love Maroon 5 cause who doesn't
  29. I have a weird way of making my eggs in the morning.
  30. I am a tea person 100% (ask anyone)
  31. I absolutely love the sun, it makes me feel all warm and happy!
  32. I love to randomly dance to music I hear!
  33. In my future, I hope to open up my own bakery that bakes specialty cakes and pastries!
  34. Feet weirds me out!
  35. I have a weird obsession over belly buttons (they just so cute)
  36. I love wearing watches but I am also very picky about the watches I buy
  37. I am a very fuzzy person with temperature. (I freeze when it is a little chilly and burn up when its hot)
  38. My worse fear is drowning.
  39. The most clumsiest person. (I walk into walls, especially ones made out of glass)
  40. I have the worst luck with buses 
  41. I have a really sensitive nose (I can smell you a mile away!!)
  42. I have board games! It doesn't matter what type but I love strategy games. (I challenge you to Monopoly)
  43. I have eczema ever since I was born.
  44. I have two of the smallest dimples on the corners of my mouth
  45. I want to design my own house and DIY almost everything!
  46. I have never been to a wedding (Invite me PLEASE)
  47. I have never been to a night club. (I am legal)
  48. Chai tea latte is my weakness
  49. I do not mind sharing food and drinks but never milk, and yogurt (I just find it gross, I don't know why)
  50. I love to meet new people!
That is all 50 facts about me! I hope you have enjoyed reading them and thanks for your time!

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Toronto Bookstore

Welcome to Little Admirations!

Hello Everyone!
I am so excited to share my thoughts, photographs and DIYs with you!  This is my first official blog, so if I seem like I am unfamiliar with blogging, it is probably true. I decided to start a blog to document my arts and crafts projects along with my thoughts and experiences. Over the years, I have been wanting to start a blog or even a YouTube channel showcasing DIY tutorials. I've finally found the time and motivation to start it, so here we go!

To start things off, I would love to tell you a little bit more about me. I am a university student in Ontario, Canada. I'm currently studying mathematics and business administration, hoping to pursue a career in finance. I grew up doing arts and crafts and DIYs ever since I was at the age of 4. I've always had a great appreciate for the arts and the emotions it can bring people. You may say I am a person with great hopes and dreams! I have acquired many hobbies in the past years and I would love to share them with you. I am a open and friendly person who would love to get to know my audience. So feel free to ask me any questions or requests on tutorials you would like to see!

Always with love,